Only buy what you need when you need it...

Vectra Lite

Focused on Day-to-Day Management
If you want to use Vectra to focus solely on the day-to-day management of your residential apartments then this is the software for you.

$1.25 / month / rentable unit
The monthly charge is based directly on the number of apartments that you're using the software to manage, so you're never going to pay more than you need to. As your organization grows then adding properties is easy.

You can easily upgrade to Vectra Executive at any time.

Vectra Executive

Provides Day-to-Day Management and Financial Analysis
Vectra Executive gives you the best of both worlds - all features are enabled so you can use if for day-to-day management as well as tracking the operational and strategic financial statements.

$1.75 / month / rentable unit
Just as with Vectra Lite your monthly fee is based on the number of apartments you're managing.