Day to Day Property Management

You're a Property Manager, Superintendent or an Owner... you know that the daily management of your properties is one of the best ways you can attract and retain quality tenants, maximize the value of the investments and be a good corporate neighbour within your community.

Through our partnership with Puddingstone Properties, Vectra is able to offer powerful features to make the day-to-day operational aspects of property management both easy and effective. Take a moment to browse the sections below and browse the corresponding screenshots to see a slice of these powerful features in action.


Defect Tracking & Resolution

Record and manage defects expediently
Resolve an issue before it becomes a problem. Manage the lifecycle through to completion, record photographs, associate any related expenses and ensure stakeholders are advised of progress.


Expense Entry & Management

Track and pay expenses
Day to day operational expenses can be entered into Vectra to enable detailed financial resports to be created and to ensure that they're paid on time (single payments or by installments such as monthly payments). Refunds and returns are also supported as standard.


Leases and Rents

The Lifeblood of the Organization
Tracking rents is a vital part of any property management organization and Vectra enables you to do this easily. Lease management is also supported including rent increases, changes of terms and conditions and the short-term addition of a tenant to a lease,

Feature Overview - Click a Screenshot to Expand

Enter Defects, Tasks and Issues
Enter a detailed summary and description of the task, together with other relevent information such as the property / unit, estimates, due dates, severity and photographs.

Manage the Lifecycle of the Tasks
As the task evolves you'll be able to track what action was taken, and how much time was committed to the update. Again, photographs can be associated with a task update to provide a complete snapshot of how the task was remediated. Eventually, the task will be complete and the status updated accordingly.

Expenses Related to a Task

Many tasks involve expenditure to resolve them; Vectra allows supplier invoices to be associated with a task to provide a useful metric for future task estimation. These expenses are also fully integrated with Vectra's expense tracking system to ensure timely payment as well as the financial reporting functions.

Leases and Tracking Rent
Keeping track of leases - both past and present - couldn't be simpler. Once the lease is entered then Vectra will automatically create entries for rent due on the appropriate dates as it becomes due, as well as allowing you to change the terms of the lease when it renews (or even during the term of the lease). Comprehensive search options allow you to find leases easily, such as those in arrears, for a particular property, approaching renewal, start date, tenant details etc..

Lease Amendments
Many jurisdictions allow leases to renew annually with an agreed change to terms (e.g. an increase in rent, a transition from a year-to-year to a month-to-month lease etc.).Vectra allows an unlimited number of lease addendum to be entered, each with an unlimited number of charges, terms and conditions.,

Vectra allows the user to retrieve a subset of data from it's database and places them into a view on a new tab. The contents of the view is defined using zero to many search terms (for example, leases can be located by start and/or end date, property, balance, status etc) as well as predefined search templates (e.g. current leases in arrears).

Expense and Invoices
Knowing the types and values of incurred expenses is a vital aspect of running any organization, and property management is no exception. Record expenses in detail, including when they're due, any associated tasks, differentiate between operational and capital expenses and enter an unlimited number of invoice line items.

Pay Expenses in a Timely Fashion
One of the many search terms for retrieving expenses is by payment status. The enables invoices to easily be paid on time to avoid late fees and overdue interest while ensuring a great working relationship with your suppliers, contractors and vendors. Pay an invoice using one-to-many payments (e.g. monthly installements of a large annual expense) each of which can be by one of the many payments supported as standard by Vectra (cash, cheque, credit card, store card etc.).