Cloud-Based Solution

Your responsibility is on IT support and infrastructure... you'll appreciate that Vectra is a cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) application. Business applications are increasingly moving to the cloud. It's not just a fad - the shift from traditional software deployment approaches to Internet-deployed access has steadily gained momentum over the last 10 years.

Traditional software applications have generally been potentially complicated, expensive and labour-intensive, particularly mission critical software which may require signicant investment in supporting hardware, software and personnel. With cloud-based software you can eliminate those headaches and challenges leaving you to focus on your core competencies and running your business.


Secure Data & Regular Backups

Automated and Secure
Our automated maintenance procedures ensure that your data is backed-up regularly and copied to a separate secure location.


Painless Upgrades

Automatic Upgrades
A server-based solution means that software upgrades and updates are handled simply, efficiently and seemlessly.


No Additional IT Investment Needed

Low Total Cost of Ownership
Supporting an application can be expensive, time-consuming and distracting from your true business purpose. Let us handle this for you.


Multi-user Software with a Secure Front-End
Our software has been designed for multi-user concurrent access from Day One.
Your confidential data is secured by an authentication screen that requires you to enter three values (Organization Name, Username and Password) correctly before access is granted.

Secure Data, Regular Backups and Resilience
Let us handle the responsibility of ensuring that your data is securely backed-up on a regular basis.

Another major benefit of SaaS is optimum resilience. One of the largest concerns of SMB's comes in the form of business and solution resilience; with SaaS, even if a local business goes down (storm, fire, flood etc.) then Vectra is still running in a data centre in a totally separate location.

Seemless Upgrades and Updates
Being a server-based solution means that any upgrades and updates are handled seemlessly. Gone are the days of purchasing and installing upgrades on your local devices and converting data during an upgrade - we'll take care of that as part of the monthly subscription service.

Accessibility - Work Anywhere, Anytime...
One of the main attraction of a cloud-based solution is the ability for your users to be able to access Vectra via any stable internet connection. This means that users can access their data via a range of hardware devices (laptop, smartphone, tablet etc.) regardless of where they're physically located.